The Work Without Limits Employment Network (EN) provides the administrative functions that allow community-based organizations to access payments through the Social Security Ticket to Work program. The EN also offers on-going benefits counseling to support Social Security beneficiaries as they work and increase their earnings.
Social Security provides payments over time for individuals whose Ticket to Work is assigned as they achieve earnings milestones which are shared with partnering organizations.
The Work Without Limits Employment Network (EN) partners with community-based vocational rehabilitation programs to help them maximize revenue through the Ticket to Work program.
Our work with Ticketholders is focused on providing work incentive counseling to support their self-sufficiency goals.
The Work Without Limits EN provides the following services to partnering organizations:
- Ticket assignment
- Wage verification
- Ticket payment requests, receipts, tracking, and processing
- Ticket payment sharing with partnering organizations
- Enhanced long-term benefit counseling to help individuals who have assigned their tickets to maximize their earnings and make a smooth transition off of benefits and toward self-sufficiency
- On-going outreach to assigned individuals to provide long-term benefits counseling support and obtain documentation of earnings as required by the Ticket to Work program
Partnering with Work Without Limits eliminates the need for your organization and staff to:
- Become an Employment Network
- Get the security clearances required by SSA
- Verify and report client wages for purposes of requesting, receiving and tracking payments
Hire Thinking
333 South Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
877-YES-WORK (877-937-9675)
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