Latest Past Events

New Membership and Sponsorship Overview – Option #2


This is option #2 of two identical webinars scheduled this week (1/27 and 1/29) to provide an overview of our new model and answer any general questions you may have. Choose the webinar that works best for your schedule.

New Membership and Sponsorship Overview – Option #1


This is option #1 of two identical webinars scheduled this week (1/27 and 1/29) to provide an overview of our new model and answer any general questions you may have. Choose the webinar that works best for your schedule.

Employment Summit: Hiring Deaf and Hard of Hearing Employees Now & Beyond


Join the NTID Center on Employment with CSD Works, Gallaudet University, and the National Association for the Deaf to learn more about hiring deaf and hard-of-hearing employees—now and in the future. Moderated by Kristy Ramos of CSD Works, our panel of experts will share their experiences of hiring and onboarding deaf and hard-of-hearing employees during […]