Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ticket to Work?
Social Security's Ticket to Work Program is a voluntary program available to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries ages 18 through 64. This program promotes financial independence and self-sufficiency by offering individuals with disabilities more choices when seeking services and supports to gain and maintain employment.
How do I assign my Ticket to Work?
You can assign your Ticket to Work by contacting a Social Security approved Employment Network. The Employment Network will work with you to complete an Individual Work Plan or IWP which will establish your vocational goals and the supports you will need to reach them. Once the IWP is signed by the beneficiary and the Employment Network, the Ticket will be assigned. To assign your Ticket to the Work Without Limits Employment Network, email Angela Hurst.
Can I assign and unassign my Ticket to Work at any time?
Participating in the Ticket to Work is completely up to you. You can assign or unassign your Ticket when you choose.
What supports can the Work Without Limits EN offer me?
The Work Without Limits EN can provide you with free and confidential benefit counseling and support regarding work and your social security, health care, and other public benefits.
If I assign my Ticket to Work, will it protect my Social Security Disability cash benefits?
Many people believe that assigning their Ticket to Work provides special protections for their Social Security benefits if they are working, but this is not so. However, working with the Work Without Limits EN will allow you to receive detailed information and support regarding the many work incentives Social Security has established to help you work and maintain your benefits until you are ready to become self-sufficient.
Does the Ticket to Work program guarantee me a job?
The Ticket to Work program does not guarantee beneficiaries employment nor does it require them to go to work. Ticket to Work Employment Networks work with beneficiaries to help them achieve their employment goals.
If I lose my Social Security Disability benefits, can I ever get them back?
Under certain circumstances beneficiaries can get their SSI and SSDI benefits back should they lose them due to employment. Working with the Work Without Limits EN can help prevent losing your benefits unexpectedly and help you get them back should you lose them.
I worry about losing my benefits if Social Security conducts a medical review to determine if I am still disabled. Can the Ticket to Work Program provide protection from medical reviews?
Once your Ticket is assigned, you are protected from Social Security medical reviews to determine if you are still disabled, if you are making “timely progress” in reaching self-sufficiency.