Bonnie Rivers Headshot
Bonnie Rivers (she/her)
Director of Employer Relations
Bonnie’s personal diversity statement is “Diversity is a fact. Inclusion is a choice.” Bonnie has consistently fostered diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice throughout her career. She has applied this passion to her leadership of corporate learning and development, marketing operations, corporate responsibility, and global diversity and inclusion teams. Bonnie also enthusiastically drives inclusion through keynote, podcast, and training engagements. In recognition of her advocacy and education, Bonnie and the Work Without Limits team, was the recipient of the 2022 Employment Options, Toni A Wolf 'Power of Change' Award. Currently, Bonnie leads and fosters all membership relationships and activities surrounding the Work Without Limits Business Network —a network of approximately 40 local, national, and international businesses committed to disability inclusion. She also leads Work Without Limits’ disability inclusion training strategy, management, course design, and delivery. Bonnie additionally provides disability inclusion consulting for both corporate and higher education organizations who seek to increase their disability inclusion confidence, competence, and capacity. Among other high-profile initiatives, Bonnie has led and collaborated closely with executive leadership and key business leaders associated with the MA Vocational Rehabilitation system (MassAbility) and the MA Commission for the Blind to improve disability employment outcomes across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Bonnie has also partnered closely with the MA Executive Office of Health and Human Services on advancing education and support for both Independent Nurses and Personal Care Attendants. Bonnie has an BA in Psychology and Philosophy and minor in Theater from St. Michael’s College and a Master of Education from UMass Boston in Instructional Design.