Winnie Siano
Winnie Siano, CWIC (she/her)
Work Incentives Counselor, Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
Winnie is certified by the U.S. Social Security Administration as a Community Work Incentive Coordinator (CWIC) assisting individuals with disabilities to view the complex world of their Social Security disability benefits with a better understanding that work is possible. Winnie is also a certified SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Counselor, assisting Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries with disabilities to better understand their healthcare options. Under Work Without Limits Benefits Counseling program, Winnie provides individualized benefits and work incentives counseling services to individuals in Massachusetts and New York. Additionally, Winnie develops and conducts training for employment specialists and case managers on how income from work affects eligibility for public benefits. Winnie has over thirty years of experience in the field of health and human services and more ten years of experience providing employment and benefits assistance to individuals with disabilities. Winnie is committed to helping Social Security disability beneficiaries realize their dreams of returning to work and supporting them throughout their journey.