The Work Without Limits Virtual Career Fair For Individuals with Disabilities
connects job seekers with disabilities with inclusive employers.

Save the Date: February 26, 2025

Increase your brand recognition as a disability inclusive organization. Sponsor this important event!

Advance your organization’s positioning within the disability inclusion community while expanding your local, regional and/or national diversified pipeline and recruitment efforts. Though Sponsorship benefits vary by type, all include recruiting at the career fair, announcements on email and social media, and branding on the Work Without Limits website. ​Sponsorships range from $5,000-$20,000.

View the 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities (pdf).

Interested in sponsoring this event? Contact Kathy Muhr.

Thank you to these 2025 Sponsors:

Candidate Education Sponsor:MIT Management Executive EducationSupporting Sponsor:

Boston Childrens HospitalSupporting Partner:
Massachusetts Commission for the Blind


Recruiting Organizations will receive:

  • Live prep virtual platform training for recruiters.
  • Live 1 hour virtual training for recruiters attending the Career Fair: Disability Etiquette.
  • Live 1 hour virtual training for recruiters attending the Career Fair: Interviewing Candidates with Disabilities.
  • Virtual recruitment space.
  • Access to qualified candidates with disabilities sourced from over 120 organizations including colleges and universities, and public and private vocational rehabilitation agencies.
  • Access to candidate resumes.

The cost to recruit at the Career Fair: $1,200

Special recruiting rates for:
Work Without Limits Business Network members: $600
Work Without Limits Employment Network (EN) Partners: $600

Job Candidates

  • Network with leading disability-inclusive employers from Work Without Limits Business Network and MORE!
  • Learn about available internship and career opportunities!
  • Attend a live virtual prep training.
  • Access to a Candidate Guide to make the most of your Career Fair experience.

2024 Recruiter:

“Wanted to share how pleased we were with the recent turnout at the Work Without Limits Career Fair! Throughout the event there was a steady flow of candidates, and the new platform was a positive experience! In fact, we had the most traffic to our booth that we have had yet; and candidates with viable skills and experience that I am looking forward to continuing to speak with in the days ahead!” - UHealthSolutions

2024 Job Candidate:

“The career fair was a wonderful experience and increased my confidence in continuing my job search and network. The platform made it very simple to chat with recruiters, make connections and find available jobs that match my interests.”