Campus Career Connect, Partners for Youth with Disabilities

Campus Career Connect (C3), an online group career readiness mentoring program, connects young adults with disabilities in Massachusetts with professional mentors in the workforce to reach their career goals. Mentors help mentees on job readiness skills, networking opportunities and finding a job in a particular field. Participants attend webinars geared toward discussing pertinent employment-related topics such as: acing a job interview, navigating the work environment, requesting accommodations, financial literacy, resume building and interview skills. Work Without Limits was pleased to partner with Partners for Youth with Disabilities (PYD) on this innovative project.  Although initial funding for C3 has ended, PYD has made the commitment to continue this project, now known as the Online Mentoring Program.

Mentee Flyer

Mentor Flyer

Partners for Youth with Disabilities

For more information, contact Kathy Muhr, Work Without Limits, Director of Community Engagement.