Work Without Limits offers first training to employers
Added to annual conference
Work Without Limits creates Administrative Employment Network
Work Without Limits offers first training to employers
Added to annual conference
Work Without Limits creates Administrative Employment Network
Work Without Limits hosts 1st annual Raise the Bar HIRE! conference; 362 people attend
Employers sponsor Work Without Limits
BenePLAN offers first training to employment service providers
Work Without Limits launches Corporate Sponsorship model to sustain initiative beyond federal funding
Established to streamline disability employment resources and services for employers
Work Without Limits forges consortium of employers committed to disability inclusion
Work Without Limits presents Governor Patrick with recommendations from businesses that include a business-to-business outreach strategy and streamlining of state and vendor services to better engage employers
Work Without Limits partners with Governor Deval Patrick and solicits input from employers to support his administration in making MA a state that is leading the nation and implementing best practices around disability and employment
Work Without Limits with resources from federal grant
Work Without Limits assumes BenePLAN, a program that counsels individuals with disabilities on how work income affects public benefits