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Training & Consulting

Work Without Limits provides training and consulting services to help build the capacity of employers, employment service providers, state agency personnel, and educational institutions in advancing workplace disability inclusion. 

Training for employers include:

  • Disability Etiquette
  • Disability Awareness: What is Disability and Why it Matters to Business
  • Interviewing Candidates with Disabilities
  • Conducting Performance Discussions with Employees with Disabilities
  • Supporting Employees with Mental Health Challenges
  • Taking Care of your Mental Health During Challenging Times
  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace
  • Disability Sensitivity

Training for employment service providers address a number of topics related to some of the biggest employment challenges that people with disabilities face including:

  • Nuts & Bolts of SSI and SSDI, Public Health Insurance and Other Public Benefits
  • Disability Benefits and Transition Aged Youth
  • Overview of Social Security Work Incentives for Families and Persons Served
  • Basics of Social Security Work Incentives for Providers
  • Understanding Corporate Disability Inclusion Practices
  • Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) Intensive

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