Work Without Limits Blog

Charting Our Own Future

As we celebrate Black History month, it is important that we acknowledge the many connections between the civil rights movement and the disability rights movement. Similar to African-Americans, persons with disabilities have fought for full participation and inclusion in society. ... Read more >

Kerry’s Sister

I was three. She was new and seemed really small. In the early years we shared a room. For a while, she had a tent over her crib with cold, wet fog blowing into it. It hummed all night. I... Read more >

What Do We Mean When We Say Disability?

Oftentimes when we are conducting disability etiquette and other similar training's for employers, the first question we get is: what do you mean when you say disability? It’s a very good question because disability is different for everyone; it varies... Read more >

Leading Companies Embrace Diversity and Foster Inclusion by Encouraging Employees to Self-Identify

The Conference Board’s 2014 research report: Do Ask, Do Tell: Encouraging Employees with Disabilities to Self-Identify outlines what companies are doing and can do to build a disability-inclusive culture and encourage employees with disabilities to self-identify. Under the Office of... Read more >

Massachusetts Office on Disability “Breaking Barriers” Art Exhibit

The Massachusetts Office on Disability is a state agency with the mission of ensuring full and equal participation in all aspects of life by persons with disabilities. In early 2017, MOD created a new public outreach effort, that is, we asked the... Read more >
Image of Bo Tanner in her wheelchair in front of pool where she coaches

Disability Inclusive Health and Wellness Programs

The beginning of the year is an extremely popular time for focusing on health and wellness. Many of us are making new year’s resolutions that include better diets and more exercise. Likewise, many companies kick off a new calendar year... Read more >